Benchmark Fractions

Directions: Use the digits 1 to 9, no more than once, to create three fractions that are as close to zero, one half and one as possible. NOTE: Close as possible is measured by adding up all the differences and making it the least possible value.


What do we know about fractions that are equivalent to one? How could you make a fraction that equals close to one?


Multiple solutions

One possible answer:
1/7, 3/6, 8/9
The total difference: 16/63

Source: Darbie Valenti

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  1. Would a better answer not be:

    1/9, 2/4 (or 3/6), and 7/8

    Giving a total difference of 1/9 + 1/8 = 17/72 < 16/63

  2. Just a thought – given that it says use the digits 1 to 9, I would assume you could use multi-digit numbers.
    3/76, 4/8 and 21/19…

    I didn’t do the fractions, but the difference is about a tenth less than the previous answer

  3. Scarlett Salaz

    1/10,3/6 and 2/3!

  4. 1/9



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