Closest product to 500 – Two-digit times one-digit

Directions: Using the digits 1 to 9 at most one time each, place a digit in each box to find the closest product to 500


How can your understanding of what one-digit numbers multiply to equal 50 help you pick numbers for this problem?


83 x 6 = 498 is the closest that my students and I found.

Source: Jessica Goree

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  1. Rudolf Österreicher

    I can confirm that 83 * 6 = 498 is the best possible solution and there’s no other product of a one-digit-number and a 3-digit number that comes closer to 500 than 83 * 6. The second best solution is 56 * 9 = 504

  2. i know that 83 is a times tabol of 400 so times that by 6 you get 498

  3. I made up 50 x 10= 500

  4. 83 x 6= 498. close to 500.

  5. I got 55×9 which equals 500

  6. 56 X 9 is the closest to 500 # 56 X 9 = 513

  7. you can do 50×10 or you could do 83×6

  8. 90 times 5

  9. 83 x 6 would be close to 500

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