Percent Of A Quantity 3

Directions: Using the digits 0 to 9 at most one time each, place a digit in each box to create a true statement.


Consider denominators that are factors of 100


13/50 = 26%, 13/26 = 50%, 14/50 = 28%, 14/28 = 50%, 16/50 = 32%, 16/32 = 50%, 17/50 = 34%, 17/34 = 50%, 18/50 = 36%, 18/36=50%, 19/50 = 38%, 19/38 = 50%, 23/50 = 46%, 23/46 = 50%, 31/50 = 62%, 31/62 = 50%, 32/50 = 64%, 32/64 = 50%, 34/50 = 68%, 34/68 = 50%, 36/50 = 72%, 36/72 = 50%, 38/50 = 76%, 38/76 = 50%, 39/50 = 78%, 39/78 = 50%, 41/50 = 82%, 41/82 = 50%, 43/50 = 86%, 43/86 = 50%, 46/50 = 92%, 46/92 = 50%, 48/50 = 96%, 48/96 = 50%,

There are many other combinations that work as well such as 21/35 = 60% or 12/30 = 40%, etc….

Source: Matthew Miller

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Greatest Common Factor

Directions: Using the digits 0 to 9 at most one time each, place a digit …

One comment

  1. Rudolf Österreicher

    58 solutions without leading zeros (10 of which don’t contain the digit 0):
    13/20 = 65 %
    13/26 = 50 %
    13/50 = 26 %
    13/65 = 20 %
    14/28 = 50 %
    14/50 = 28 %
    16/32 = 50 %
    16/50 = 32 %
    17/20 = 85 %
    17/25 = 68 %
    17/34 = 50 %
    17/50 = 34 %
    17/68 = 25 %
    17/85 = 20 %
    18/24 = 75 %
    18/36 = 50 %
    18/50 = 36 %
    18/75 = 24 %
    19/25 = 76 %
    19/38 = 50 %
    19/50 = 38 %
    19/76 = 25 %
    21/35 = 60 %
    21/60 = 35 %
    23/46 = 50 %
    23/50 = 46 %
    27/45 = 60 %
    27/60 = 45 %
    31/50 = 62 %
    31/62 = 50 %
    32/50 = 64 %
    32/64 = 50 %
    34/50 = 68 %
    34/68 = 50 %
    36/45 = 80 %
    36/48 = 75 %
    36/50 = 72 %
    36/72 = 50 %
    36/75 = 48 %
    36/80 = 45 %
    38/40 = 95 %
    38/50 = 76 %
    38/76 = 50 %
    38/95 = 40 %
    39/50 = 78 %
    39/78 = 50 %
    41/50 = 82 %
    41/82 = 50 %
    43/50 = 86 %
    43/86 = 50 %
    46/50 = 92 %
    46/92 = 50 %
    48/50 = 96 %
    48/96 = 50 %
    63/75 = 84 %
    63/84 = 75 %
    76/80 = 95 %
    76/95 = 80 %

    Plus 6 solutions with leading zeros:
    04/16 = 25 %
    04/25 = 16 %
    09/12 = 75 %
    09/25 = 36 %
    09/36 = 25 %
    09/75 = 12 %

    It’s identical to the exercise called “Percent of a quantity 1”, just written in a different form.

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