Sums to 100

Directions: Using the digits 1 to 9 at most one time each, fill in the boxes to create the closest possible sum to 100.


Can you give me 3 numbers that add up to 100 (any number could be repeated)? How can we use this to fill in the boxes using each digit only once?


Multiple solutions


Source: Graham Fletcher

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Time Twister

Directions: Using the digits 0 to 9, at most one time each, create three different …


  1. 49 + 32 + 18 = 99

  2. Our answer was 29+18+53=100

  3. I had a lot of fun with this challenge and passed it along to my family when I couldn’t figure it out! Looking for more of these challenges in the future!

  4. 23+56+18=100

    If I can get my students with behaviors to do this at 3 or upper I will challenge them to do this during morning warmup.

  5. One of my classes came up with 42+38+19. It was great to see them put together the tens first, then they added all of the ones, and finally added the ones and tens for the final answer.

  6. 20+60+20=100

  7. Atharv’s answer is: 32+48+19 = 99

  8. 44+44+12=100

    i did 40+40=80


    by Dominic

    Figuring out where to put the answer in here took forever. Still haven’t figured that out, so here it is in the comments. Were we supposed to just write it by hand in his notebook?
    Dominic’s Mom. Julianna

  9. i thought of 58 + 23 + 19 = 100

  10. 54+21+19 = 100

  11. 57+19+24=100

  12. its 35+65=100 because 5+5=10 and 30+60=90 and 90+10=100

  13. 30+30+40=100

  14. 49+31+20=100

  15. 49+31+20=100

  16. Brooklyn Patterson


  17. kunwartaaj singh


  18. 19+28+53=100

  19. 57+11+32=100

  20. 80+10+10=100

  21. 19+23+58=100

  22. 41+39+20=100

  23. Our answer was 21+39+40

  24. my answer is 24 + 57 + 19 = 100

  25. 45+37+18=100

  26. natale paternoster


  27. 19+57+24=100

    ^^^ You can not use digit more than once while not using 0. Digits 1-9.

    The hardest part was how do you fill in the answer. I guess you just do on your own and can only submit through comments.

  28. I did 59+24+17=100

  29. 59+41=100

  30. Sofia lorenzetti

    13+29+58=100 15+37+48=100 38+43+19=100

  31. 13+58+29=100

  32. 80+10+10=100

  33. Joshua Darivemula


  34. 43+ 36 +21 = 100

  35. 22+78=100 because 20+70=90 and 2+8=10 and 90 +10=100

  36. 46+19+35=100

  37. 40+50+10=100

  38. 36+24+40=100.

  39. 10+80+10

  40. Deekshavardhini Satheesh


  41. 12+39+48=99

  42. 57+26+17=100

  43. 40+40+20=100

  44. 30+21+49=100

  45. 19+23+58=100

  46. Daniel Salazar Arias


  47. 53+18+29=100

  48. 60 plus 30 plus 10=100

  49. I added 20+20+50+10.

  50. 80+10+10=100

  51. 31+21+48=100

  52. 21+30+49

  53. 80+12+8=100

  54. 25+25+50=100

  55. 42+25+33=100

  56. ismael hernandez


  57. 56+20+24=100

  58. 19+28+53=100!

  59. 58+25+17=100 could be an answer.

  60. 57 + 14 + 29 = 100!

  61. Suchita Suchita Yadav


  62. 33+33+34=100

  63. 70+10+20=100

  64. 40+10+50=100

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