Fractions: Sum of 2

Directions: Use the digits 0 to 9, at most one time each, to fill in the boxes so that the sum is equal to 2 wholes.


What fractions are greater than 1 whole?
What manipulatives could help you find a solution?


There are many answers including:

9/6 + 1/4 + 5/20
6/5 + 4/8 + 3/10
4/5 + 6/8 + 9/20

Source: Joshua Nelson

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One comment

  1. Rudolf Österreicher

    36 solutions (times 2 if you consider swapping the first two addends as a different solution):
    1/2 + 5/4 + 9/36
    1/2 + 8/6 + 9/54
    1/3 + 8/6 + 9/27
    1/3 + 9/6 + 7/42
    1/4 + 5/3 + 6/72
    1/4 + 5/3 + 8/96
    1/4 + 9/6 + 7/28
    1/4 + 9/6 + 8/32
    1/6 + 5/3 + 7/42
    1/7 + 5/3 + 8/42
    1/9 + 5/3 + 6/27
    1/9 + 7/4 + 5/36
    2/3 + 5/4 + 8/96
    2/3 + 5/6 + 7/14
    2/3 + 5/6 + 9/18
    2/3 + 7/6 + 9/54
    2/7 + 9/6 + 3/14
    2/9 + 6/4 + 5/18
    2/9 + 7/4 + 1/36
    3/4 + 6/9 + 7/12
    3/4 + 9/8 + 2/16
    3/4 + 9/8 + 7/56
    3/6 + 5/4 + 7/28
    3/6 + 8/7 + 5/14
    3/7 + 5/4 + 9/28
    3/7 + 8/6 + 5/21
    3/8 + 6/4 + 9/72
    3/9 + 8/6 + 4/12
    3/9 + 8/6 + 7/21
    4/3 + 5/9 + 2/18
    4/3 + 5/9 + 8/72
    5/6 + 8/7 + 1/42
    5/6 + 9/8 + 1/24
    5/6 + 9/8 + 3/72
    5/9 + 8/6 + 3/27
    6/9 + 8/7 + 4/21

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