Order of Operations 6

Directions: Using the digits 1 to 5, at most one time each, place a digit in each box to create an expression with the largest possible value.


Where would you put your largest digit?


4^5+2*3 or 4^5+3*2

Source: Matt Donahue

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  1. my answer was:5 to the 4 power +4×2=1258

  2. my answer was 5 to the 4 power +4×2=1258 too

    • Remember… order of operations matter. Most teachers use GEMS or PEMDAS. In any case, you would need to multiply first before adding.

      Example: 5 to the 4th power plus 4 times 2 would be…(exponents first)… 625 plus 4 times 2… (then multiply second)… 625 plus 8… (finish it)… 633.

      Hope this helps!

      • If you did pemdas it would be different because (5⁴+4)2 would then be (625+4)2 then (1250+8)=1258. But all of these won’t work because you can only use each number once and 4 is used twice in all of these.

  3. 2+(3×7+9)=(1-5)/(8×4)

  4. 2^3+4×1=12

  5. 4^5+3×2=1030

  6. 4^5+2*3 or 4^5+3*2 is the answer I think.

  7. 4^5+2*3 or 4^5+3*2

  8. 5^4+3×2=1,256

  9. 4²+5×2 or 5²+2×4

  10. 5^4+4×2= 258

  11. I got 2 over the power of 3 +5×4

  12. It would be 5 to the power of 4 and the answer to that would be 625.

  13. 4^5+2*3

  14. Barbie Cardenas

    the answer will be 4^5+2*3 or it could be 4^5+3*2 any of these can be use as an answer.

  15. 2
    4 +4×5=

    16+ 20 = 36

  16. 2
    3 +4×5= 9+ 20 =29

  17. 5^3+2*4 = 133

  18. 4^5 + 2*3 = 1030

  19. 4^5+2*3 or 4^5+3*2

  20. 4^5 + 5*3 = 1039

  21. I think it is 4^5+3*2

  22. I believe it is 4 with an exponent of 5 plus 2 times 3

  23. I think it is 4^5+2*3

  24. 4^5+2×3=1030

  25. 5^4+3*2 or 4^5+3*2

  26. I don’t understand it also as my reflection it it was easy

  27. 5^4 + 4*3

  28. My answer that I got was 4^5+2*3.

  29. 4 to the 5th power +3 X 2=2054

  30. i was going to guess 5^4=3×2

  31. 4*5+3×2

  32. 4^5+3•2

  33. Eliott Germain-Aubrey


  34. My answer is 4^5+2×3

  35. I got 4^5+2*3

  36. I got 4^5+3*2

  37. My answer was 4^5+2*3

  38. My answer 4^5+3*2

  39. My answer is 4^5+2*3=26

  40. 4^5+2*3=1030

  41. 4^5+2×3

  42. Yes that was what i got too.

  43. my answer was 4^5+2*3

  44. I did (4^5*3)+2

  45. 4^5+3*2= 1030

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