Create an Equation with a Solution Closest to Zero

Directions: Using the digits 1 to 9, at most one time each, fill in the boxes to create an equation such that the solution is as close to zero as possible.


Which kinds of numbers are closer to zero?
How does the digit you choose for the constant or coefficient affect the solution’s value?


There are many equations that will get to the correct answer of 1/8 or -1/8. Here are some possible equations examples:

9x + 3 = 1x + 4
1x + 7 = 9x + 8

Source: Daniel Luevanos

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  1. 5x+2=4x+4

  2. 9x+3=1x + 4

  3. 1x+1=3x+2

  4. I’m new to open middle, can you combine digits and use, for example 987x and 1x?

  5. Wouldn’t 1/9 or -1/9 be closer to 0 than 1/8 or -1/8? What about the equation 9x+2=0x+1?

  6. 9x + 3 = x +2

  7. 9x + 3 = x + 2

  8. 9x+8=1x+7

  9. 7x – 4 = 3x – 6
    Can we have a different equation from the problem across the equal sign ?

  10. Oghenerukevwe Ayoro

    8x + 4 = 5 – 2x

  11. 9x+3=1x+4

  12. 4x+6=2x+8

  13. 1x+1=3x+2

  14. 9x+3=1x+4

  15. 2x+4=4x+5

  16. 2x+2/87816=3x+1/87816?

  17. x+4=9x+3

  18. 1x + 7 = 9x + 8

  19. 9x+5=x+6

  20. 7x+8=5x+7

  21. 7x+1=2x+1.5

  22. 9x+7=x+8

  23. 9x+3=1x+3

  24. 9x+1=x+6

  25. william hockstein


  26. 9x+7=x+8

  27. 10000x + 1 = x +2

  28. 250x+29=-750x+28

  29. 7x + 1 = 6x + 3

  30. 9x+1/4=10x+1/8

  31. 9x+4=x+5

  32. 2x +5 = 3x + 4.9

    -x = -0.1

    x= 0.1

  33. 9x+7=2x+8

  34. x+1.1/4 = 2x+1 1/2

  35. 1x + 7 = 9x + 8

  36. Create an Equation with a Solution Closest to Zero
    Directions: Using the digits 1 to 9 at most one time each, place a digit in each box to create an equation such that the solution is as close to zero as possible.
    _ x+ _ =_ x + _ -> original problem
    3x +5 = 8x +6 -> my attempt

  37. 9x+3=1x + 4

  38. J0$hu@ g€|$t


  39. 9x+1=2x+3

  40. 1x + 2 = 3x + 4

  41. Untuneable Instrument




  42. 987654x + 2 = 1x + 3


    Had the question been worded “fill in each box with one digit,” then the correct answer would have been something like

    9x + 2 = 1x + 3
    x = 1/8

  43. 9x + 7 = 1x + 8

    8x = 1

    x = 1/8

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